Oil-to-Gas Conversions

If you're thinking of converting your home heating from Oilheat to natural gas, please call us first. Boro Energy sells and services both Oilheat and natural gas systems, so we can objectively look at your equipment and offer you the best options for your property. While we may find that you'll be best served by a full system conversion, very often you can save thousands by upgrading your energy management system, and see a reduction of up to 30% in your fuel usage.

If you're considering a switch from Oilheat to gas heat, Boro Energy can help you make the choice that is right for your family and budget. As your oil-to-gas conversion experts, we will guide you through the entire process from exploring your options to installing advanced heating and hot water equipment. You get the same delivery as you would through Con Edison or National Grid - just at a better rate!

When you choose Boro Energy for your gas conversion, you can count on the expertise of one of New York City's most established heating companies. This is a huge advantage over National Grid or Con Edison, because those utilities don't have their own installers. Instead, they refer you to a network of contractors, so the customer has to take a chance and hope they find a competent, trustworthy installer.

The conversion process begins with an evaluation of your home or building to determine the project scope. We'll tell you what steps are needed and give you a clear idea of the cost. If a gas line and a gas meter are present, the project will be simple and fast moving. If the property needs to have gas service installed, the work will take longer and the cost will be greater.

We offer a full range of options in new gas equipment, including ultra high-efficiency boilers and hot water heaters. We'll determine the building's demand for heat and hot water, then explain your options so that you can choose the most suitable equipment. To read more about the boilers and hot water heaters that we install, please click here.

When you're ready to make the conversion, we'll plan the equipment switch-out thoroughly to eliminate unnecessary disruptions and minimize downtime. We will remove the oil-fired equipment and oil tank, then our certified gas installers will set up your new equipment meticulously to ensure safety, efficiency and code compliance. If your new equipment qualifies for government tax credits or other incentives, we'll inform you and provide the information you need to file your claims.

Don't call a utility if you're thinking about an oil-to-gas conversion. Call Boro Energy for a prompt response, expert care and exceptional value. We'll supply your gas at a lower rate than the utilities, and we're happy to provide preventive maintenance and service on an ongoing basis.


Does an Oil-to-Gas Conversion Make Sense?

Converting from Oilheat to gas heat is an important step that should not be taken lightly. Here is a quick look at some of the important factors to consider.

Conversion Costs: The cost of converting to gas heat is considerably higher than the cost of upgrading to a high-efficiency Oilheat system. There are hidden costs involved that the gas utility doesn't publicize, such as running the gas line to your home, installing a chimney liner, purging your oil tank of fuel, and other costs. In the end, you'll enjoy a greater return on investment when you upgrade your oil-fired boiler or furnace than you would if you converted from oil to natural gas.

Fuel Costs: Many people who choose fuel conversion are trying to take advantage of a lower fuel price, but no one knows what the prices of oil and gas will be one year from now, let alone in five years or 10 years. When you convert, there is a risk that your new fuel will wind up costing the same as your old fuel, or more.

Environmental Impact: Some customers consider the environmental impact of the fuels when considering a fuel conversion. B2 Bioheat® fuel (containing 2% biodiesel) produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions over 20 years than natural gas, and Oilheat's emissions profile is reduced even further as biodiesel content increases. With this in mind, many now consider Oilheat the cleaner fuel, particularly since the natural gas industry has problems with widespread pipeline leaks.